Recap: Healing the Masculine Ego Spell
Last year, I was coming into my psychic abilities in a whole new way. Though I had seen and heard “spirits” in childhood, I had largely cut that part of myself off over time.
Quarantine offered me the experience of truly tapping into my human nature. I had already been practicing witchcraft for years and seeing amazing results in my life. My emotional and material worlds were finding more balance, I was getting more joy out of life, and I was coming to understand the sacred difference between anxiety and intuition.
After a couple of months of continuing my spell work practice in isolation, an aspect of myself returned.
I won’t sugarcoat it: It was very scary to experience my psychic abilities for the first few weeks. After landing into them safely and realizing the fear was not necessary, I began cultivating relationships with my deceased ancestors.
August is my father’s birth month and I wanted to do a spell with him to celebrate his birthday. Also, my father is dead.
Together, we set up a 7-day durational spell that aligned with the healing work that would help liberate his spirit.
As a man, my father was held to unreasonable masculine standards. He shared with me the pain that the patriarchy had brought him during life.
As a Leo, he was perfectly content to share our healing work as a group spell. Every day of the spell, I was given radical information during meditation to assist in conceptualizing healing work.
Though I used a phallic candle for the spell, I want to acknowledge that not all men or masculine people have a penis! I find the symbol of the cock to be a beautiful archetypical symbol for the magical expression of masculinity. However, the penis does not define or fully encapsulate the truth of masulinity.
The masculine expression of Leo and the lion as well as numerology and divination also influenced the spell.
Here, I’ve collected the posts I made during this 7-day spell. As I fixed the typos and re-read these posts, I was transported back to that time. It felt so powerful to be in a state of religious devotion. Every day for 7 days I was in deep meditation, channeling, and praying.
This experience taught me the basic practice of talking to spirits that I now use in my personal spell work and my work with clients. I am so grateful to be revisiting it!
So, if you missed the spell, here it is:
Group Spell Announcement
On August 7th I will be conducting a spell to release rigidity around the masculine expression and heal wounds caused by toxic masculinity.
You can participate by meditating for 7 consecutive minutes on that day and have the option for energy exchange by donation.
Thank you for your curiosity and attention. I am open for questions and request up until spell day so don’t be shy!
Why the number 7? ☀️
This spell is being prepared over 7 days and to participate you can meditate on the intentions of the spell for 7 minutes.
The number 7 in this context is the number of creation.
The energy I’ll be cultivating and moving on the first 7 days of the month of August is in service of “creating” a new world by revealing, relaxing, and nurturing. I will be calling on the mythology of the creation story and the divine energy of 5 + 2, both harmonic and balancing numbers.
Archetypes 🌼 Inner Alchemy
Paradoxically, healing the masculine is not separate from healing the feminine.
The Masc/Fem balance exists within us to provide nourishment and protection to each of those parts and, ideally, the reciprocal energy exchange between the two. We see this watching nature and sense this in ourselves.
Any person rejecting their inner feminine is wounding their inner masculine.
Integration of the feminine is obstructed by either pain at the hands of a feminine figure or a misperception/misunderstanding of feminine archetypes.
This can cause us to reject nurturing love even from ourselves.
Get curious about your feminine and notice how the masculine within you reacts. Notice any pain. Start to release a rigid concept of gender and step into the nebulous and hermetic layer of perception.
Our archetypes age with us and become wiser, more integrated, and more useful in our lives. But first, they must be invited to grow with us.
Time Travel ⌛ Lineage
I often wonder what the past would be like if the men in our lineages were allowed their sensitivities.
I wonder what’s really going on in the mind and heart of a person when he is discouraged from boyhood but shown no path into manhood.
I wonder what rejection feels like for a person who was told rejection is the mark of a failed man.
Patriarchy could be such an endearing term if we didn’t have so many daddy issues in our ancestral DNA.
You are invited to feel grief if it feels right.
The Inner Protector 🦁 Masculine Intuition
A lot of the education about intuition is in the feminine sense. This feminine intuition is within all of us regardless of gender.
There is also an intuitive masculine energy within us: The Protector.
This energy knows danger.
It knows when there is an enemy or ill will and can read intentions through body language and subtle hints.
The Inner Protector can protect the inner child or the wounded Chiron within us. We can put it to work in places in our life, as well.
More importantly, we can learn to see as safe and then act out that energy safely.
Love for the Black Masculine 💫
We cannot talk about the wounded masculine without addressing the undeniable, inexcusable way that Black Masculinity has been villainized, weaponized, and damaged.
Breath in and breath out 🍃
We are inviting a new world that REJECTS any system that dehumanizes Black Masculinity.
We are creating space for Black Masculinity to heal.
🍃 Deep breaths
Black lives matter.
The black man that learned how to protect himself in a way that is limiting his ability to receive love.
The black woman embodying or expressing her masculine energy and receiving rejection or even persecution for it.
The black nonbinary person understanding the gender they were socialized into and experiencing a lack of support around them for their identity expression.
And all of the unique, special, and personal expressions of masculinity that were toxified simply because of the evil air of white supremacy. Simply for their blackness.
We have not done well to our black angels. Overtly and through our generations of inaction.
🍃 deep breaths 🍃
No matter how far we have come in our lifetime there is still work to do around racism- A poison that infects our society and infects our consciousness.
Until we commit to doing the shadow workaround racism — globally and internally — we cannot see to the healing of the full masculine.
I do not exclude myself from this work, which I hold as a deep responsibility to humankind.
We cannot raise the vibration with racism in our hearts or white supremacy in our institutions.
Feel free to take a deep breath in 🍃 in honor of this shadow and 🍃 breath out love for the Black Masculine into the world.
WAX READING: Healing the Masculine Ego Spell
For those that participated in meditation or energy exchange. Also, if this reading resonates with you, your masculine might be in need of the messages of well.
You may be lacking balance between staying grounded with yourself and seeking external relationships. Maybe trying to find grounding in others instead of in the self.
There is a strong desire and energy to remain grounded. Meaning, you want it and can have it if you’re willing to create space for it in your life.
There is a passive or weak energy around maintaining relationships. These could be romantic or familial.
There is a move and flow of energy from the Divine Love to the Expression of Self. This means, by listening to and cultivating Self Love and/or Divine Love you can start to move yourself forward in ambition and success.
It seems to really speak to the collective Masculine Ego as well. 🙏 So grateful.
I’m sending lots of love! 💛
Back to 2021
I have been getting the nudge from spirit to curate more group spells and it was that intuitive hit that inspired me to share this one. Until I have a clear idea of what group spells might look like in the coming months, I am doing 1 on 1 personal spells as well as oracle readings.
Since this spell, I have dropped using the term “new world” or “new earth” in my healing practice due to its relation to colonization.
Thank you for coming with me down memory lane! Sending you lots of love.